Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Homework 2

1. 安裝 PageRank , 然後使用 PageRank 量測以下網站的 PageRank (0~10分)
美國 FirstGov=>10
歐盟 http://europa.eu.int/index_en.htm=>8
英國 Direct Gov=>8
日本 首相與內閣入口網=>7
台灣 MyeGov=>7
新加坡 SingGov=>7
澳洲 Australia Government=>7
中國 中央政府門戶網站=>7
韓國 http://Korea.go.kr=>2 (amazing)

2. Moodgrapher plots the mood levels reported by LiveJournal users in their posts.

* Use Moodgrapher to compare the "happy" mood level versus "sad" during the period from 9/1/2006~9/30/2006.

I wonder why Sep. 4th reaches the peak of the graph.I GUESS this is the reason "Deaths:2006/9/4 - Steve Irwin - Australian naturalist and TV personality. (b. 1962)". Steve is one of my favorites on TV shows.

* Can we justify that people drink more during the weekends?

According to the calender, one of the peaks of the wave is Sunday(9/17), the next one is Saturday(9/16). For a reasonable guess, weekends are the days for people to relax ,and of course, to get drunk.

3. Read JONATHAN SCHWARTZ, Sun CTO's Blog. Do you think his blog is authentic, honest, and authoratative? Why?


This blog is written by CEO of Sun Microsystems,the articles he wrote can convince every customer that is the truth. The translator of several major languages may be a great helper to those who are not firmiliar with the English.

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