Friday, December 21, 2007

Homework 12-15-2007

1. Read the abstract of the full paper, and then make your comments.
Feng Fua, Lianghuan Liua, and Long Wang. Empirical analysis of online social networks in the age of Web 2.0, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications Volume 387, Issues 2-3, 15 January 2008, Pages 675-684

The paper abstrat-
The growing of WWW turns another name called Web2.0, new application and way of connecting people. For example, blogs and social networking site make people communicate more easier and faster. Two of the social networking sites in China will be analyzed. They will show the networks have small-world and scale-free feature. Also, the distribution of the topological distance will be studied. The correlations between degree and degree, clustering coefficient and degree, number of page views and degree ,respectively, are discussed in the paper. This paper will show blogging network have disassortative mixing pattern and SNS is the assortative. The research and analysis of online social networks will explain the self-organizing structural characteristics.

my comments-
It's interesting that blogs and social networking site are empirical analyzed. Both are online social networks in the age of Web2.0. I think blogs want to keep the the simple and easy to write down anything. People will find the blog and share to others(blogger in google). The connection is created in comments. Social networking site is creating a connection after you registering it. And it contains more functions for interaction. For example, every visitor will be saved to make more connections.

what are assortative and disassortative mixing?

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